Intimate care

The key to a healthy intimate area

PH value intimate zone

Vulvar pH: its role in vaginal health

A balanced vulvar pH is essential for the health of the intimate area. In this article, you'll find out how pH affects the health of the vulva and how you can keep it in balance with the right intimate care.

What exactly is pH and why is it so important for vaginal health?

The pH value measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is. The skin of the vulva and the vaginal entrance, which together form the outer part of the female genital area, should ideally have a slightly acidic pH of around 3.8 to 4.5. This acidic environment helps to ward off harmful bacteria and fungi and promotes healthy bacterial flora that protects the intimate area.

How does pH affect vulva health?

A balanced pH helps to support the vulva's natural defense mechanisms and prevents the overgrowth of pathogenic organisms that can lead to infections such as bacterial vaginosis or fungal infections. An imbalance can lead to symptoms such as itching, burning, irritation and unpleasant odors.

How can you keep the pH value of your vulva stable?

  1. Choose suitable intimate care productsUse mild, pH-neutral washing lotions that have been specially developed for the vulva.
  2. Avoid irritating substancesPerfumed soaps and shower gels can change the pH value and cause irritation.
  3. Optimal choice of clothingWear breathable underwear, preferably made of cotton, to promote a healthy climate in the intimate area.
  4. Balanced dietA diet rich in probiotics supports the good bacteria in the intimate area.


A healthy vulvar pH is essential for your intimate health. By following the right care practices, you can maintain the natural balance and protect your intimate area from health problems.