
Influence of heat on menstruation: info & tipsInfluence of heat on menstruation: info & tips

Period in summer

The impact of heat on your menstruation: our tips

Summer heat can be an additional challenge for many menstruating people. But what effect does heat have on menstruation? We provide answers and tips to help you feel comfortable again here!

What effect does heat have on menstruation?

Heat can affect various aspects of your menstrual cycle. On the one hand, it can increase stress, which intensifies hormonal fluctuations and sometimes worsens PMS symptoms such as headaches and fatigue. High temperatures can also lead to mild dehydration, which not only puts a strain on your circulation but also intensifies feelings of tiredness and discomfort.

What preventive measures can help you reduce the impact of heat on menstruation?

To minimize the impact of heat on menstruation during your period, it is important to stay well hydrated. With juno&me we recommend drinking enough water to cover the increased fluid requirements caused by heat and menstruation. Also, avoid being active in the blazing sun for too long and look for ways to cool down, for example by taking cool showers or wearing light and breathable clothing and period underwear. period underwear. Avoiding caffeinated drinks is also helpful, as caffeine inhibits the absorption of iron, leading to increased fatigue. Instead, isotonic drinks or unsweetened herbal teas could be helpful to stabilize electrolyte balance and lessen the impact of heat on menstruation.

How can you stay active without overexerting yourself?

Light to moderate exercise can be beneficial during your period in summer as it promotes blood flow and helps produce endorphins, which naturally relieve pain. Choose activities that are not too strenuous, such as yoga or swimming, which can also have a cooling effect.

Summer cycle - increase your well-being

The impact of heat on menstruation can be an additional burden, but with the right strategies you can minimize the discomfort. Stay hydrated, adapt your activities to the temperatures and make sure you give your body the rest it needs. With these measures and high-quality intimate care you can enjoy the summer months even during your period.

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