
Natural PMS relief - these options can help

Tips against PMS

Natural PMS relief - this can help you

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can bring with it many unpleasant symptoms, from cramps and headaches to emotional mood swings. Luckily, we've put together a list of methods that can help with PMS relief naturally.

What role does your diet play in natural PMS relief?

A balanced diet is crucial for alleviating PMS. Foods rich in calcium and magnesium can help reduce PMS symptoms. Vitamin B6, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids are also known to be helpful in relieving PMS. With juno&me we recommend foods such as green leafy vegetables, nuts, whole grains and fatty fish such as salmon.

Self-care for PMS - how exercise can help you

Regular exercise, especially yoga and light cardio exercises, can work wonders. Exercise not only promotes blood circulation and reduces stress, but also helps to release endorphins, which act as natural painkillers and can improve your mood. So you can naturally contribute to PMS relief.

Natural PMS relief - do herbal remedies help?

Various herbs and supplements can also help. Monk's pepper (Vitex Agnus-Castus) is known for its ability to support hormonal balance. Other helpful herbs include St. John's wort, which can be particularly effective for emotional PMS symptoms, and chamomile and valerian, which are relaxing and can help you sleep better.

How can you plan your week to manage PMS effectively?

It can be helpful to plan your activities and social interactions according to your cycle. If you know that your symptoms are stronger at certain times, plan more rest time and reduce stress by adjusting your tasks and expectations accordingly. Also, do something good for yourself in between and take care of your body and skin to improve your well-being. You can therefore find ideal intimate- and body care productsthat supports you in this.

How you can contribute to PMS relief in a natural way

Through a combination of a balanced diet, regular exercise and the use of herbal remedies, you can naturally contribute to PMS relief and improve your wellbeing each month. By respecting and responding to your body and its needs, you can find a natural way to deal with PMS.

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